Artist Shane Wolf is a big deal – he is IT!
Originally from Cincinnati, he lives in Paris now and is represented by several big league galleries.
I studied with him a few years ago, just before he became famous. A mutual friend shared Shane’s art with me and I was blown away, so when I found out about his workshop at the Manifest Gallery, in Cincinnati, I immediately signed up. Now he’s teaching around the world!
Nice guy, fantastic teacher. And an amazing artist.
I thought people might enjoy this YouTube demo, you can see him putting down layers and reacting against the strong highlight of her lower back. And – he flips the painting upside-down to verify his accuracy! I wasn’t kidding about doing that!
It’s a shame they cut the audio, I would have liked to hear what he was saying.
I will tell you one thing that does crack me up — those long sleeves! With the cuffs? How did he stay clean? Maybe he had an extra shirt and changed clothes midway thru…